#Fridayfunny - a collection of jokes from our regular FridayFunny social posts

Jokes for the accounts!!!

How many accountants does it take to calculate accruals? It depends on how many spreadsheets they need to open!

How do you know if an accountant is really good at double-entry accounting? They have a "debit" card and a "credit" card!

An accountant was asked by his boss to prepare a report on the company's financial performance. After submitting the report, the boss called him into his office and said, "This report is unacceptable. You need to give me the bottom line." The accountant responded, "Okay, the bottom line is that we need to increase revenue and decrease expenses." - sometimes it's that simple!

Why are accountants so cool, calm, and collected? They have strong internal controls.

What do you call a trial balance that does not balance? A late night.

What does an accountant say when getting on a train? Mind the GAAP.

How many accountants does it take to screw in a lightbulb? How many did it take last year?

What do accountants like most about the weekends? They get to wear casual clothes to work!

What do actuaries do to liven up their parties? Invite an accountant.

And finally if you didn't know already....

What is the definition of an accountant? Someone who solves a problem you did not know you had in a way you don’t understand.


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