What is our favourite, most versatile Anaplan modelling feature? Line Item Subsets

They start off as line items but transform into list with all the useful functionality that comes along with other general lists.

Here are our most valuable uses of these fantastically versatile Anaplan modelling structures.

End user outcomes and reports - we use line items to build all our end user outcomes when we need to use different modelling or formatting logic across multiple lines. We then utilise a line item subset to map our source data using SUM function into our reports. By using line items we can map different sources, format summary, ratio and headings to design more intuitive outcomes. Our source data will contain dimensionality that allows us to map and analyse our data across a variety of lines. These mappings can also all be defined in a single central mapping table which is easier to maintain.

Modelling logic inputs - we use a line item subset to pull together various inputs where those inputs utilise different calculation or modelling logic to derive a result. We use this approach for example when we want use different statistical modelling methods to forecast sales, cost or derive expected demand levels. We use COLLECT function to pull these outcomes into a staging module where we utilise a line item subset pull the data into a list. We can then LOOKUP into our end user reports to view individual results as defined via a user defined drop-list or add the line item subset as an extra dimension to see an array of outcomes across all calculation options.

Variance analysis - we use two modules and two sets of line item subsets to build intuitive and user friendly variance reports. Create module one with all the required report line items and dimensions. Create a line item subset of module one.
Create module two, adding line items such as actual, forecast and variance. Add the line item subset from module one. Map data into the actual and forecast line items using SUM. Calculate the variance line item using a simple calculation. Before we finish we create a second line item subset from module two. Next we revist module one and add the line item subset from module two as an extra dimension. We then use COLLECT to pull the data from module two. Finally, we add summary, heading and ratio calculation and formatting line items to complete our variance report.


My first Anaplan project was a sh!t show.


90% of all the Anaplan modelling you will ever have to design can be accomplished with SUM, LOOKUP and IF THEN ELSE - what about the others?